Token Supply and Demand

Supply and demand for GIGS token

Based on token economics explained before, we can summarize the supply and demand of GIGS tokens as follows.

The supply of GIGS tokens is based on Off to Earn('O2E'). The quantity equivalent to 25% of the total circulating supply is distributed to users through the core function of the platform called Off to Earn. Users can also earn governance rewards, which are given as a reward for participation in governance, such as supporting Green Parties that contribute to the GIGS ecosystem (which represents 20% of the total supply). Users can also gain from the Treasury. Treasury is the supporting action for Green Activities executed as a result of governance votes. This includes purchasing and burning carbon credits or direct supporting to activities of Green Parties.

The plan of token value capture

The primary use of GIGS token is as a governance token for governance participation. It will also be utilized for the purpose of advertising execution of Green Commercials. For example, the buyback/burning of GIGS tokens will occur during the execution of these ads, with 50% of the ad revenue used for buyback/burning while the other 50% being shared with GIGS token holders.

Last updated